Reviews 2024
January 2, 2020
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Now that we have learned about all that from this review, buying the signs that you need for indoor or outdoor use will surely be solved by the company. You will have the ability to customize your signs from the images used to the colors that you want displayed. You also are offered a myriad of sizes for the signs that you need including two of the best materials for these products as well. Just be sure that you remember the computer screens that they have will provide different results on display and on the physical aspect.
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Besides offering its customers with corrugated plastic, there is also aluminum being provided to them as another material which is the longest and most durable lasting window sign you can get. The product that they offer provides the great quality appearance and are ideal for either indoor or outdoor use. All of their aluminum signs also have rounded corners to be safer to use and have a professional appearance as well. A selection of the best metal frames that can be provided is also available from the store which would easily compliment the frame panels they possess. You are going to thank this review for knowing about all these.
- 90 Day Guarantee
- Quick Order Turnaround
- Customized Yard Signs
- Online Sign Designer
The only negative thing that can be said when buying your signs at is that they do not guarantee that colors to match what you see on their website and what you will get physically. The reason for this is because the computer screens that they have may be configured to show colors and images in many ways and that there is no uniform standard for these monitors. That is why what you may be seeing in their examples may turn out a bit different from what you will actually be getting.
- Requires Proof for Returns

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I needed the signs by a particular date, which my confirmed order said I would. I understand that the signs needed to be printed. But the first problem was that the signs would arrive after the holders. The holders are a stock item and could have been shipped immediately. Then the signs were delayed with UPS. They said they were sorted wrong. The company was not very sympathetic to the problem. I’m not sure that I would use them again. When the signs did arrive, they were fine. It’s just that they arrived one day before our festival.
I was a customer of signs on the cheap & banners on the cheap for YEARS! on 6/26/2020 I ordered a sign from Signs on the cheap and paid for it thru PayPal. PayPal sent the money but SOTC claims that they did not get it. I called PayPal (again)to verify the purchase. Purchase verified. I called SOTC AGAIN the very next day and told them the story AGAIN. After being put on hold for 5 minutes the person returned and said. “What we can do is refund you the money and you can reorder and pay for it with a credit card”. I said,”how come you can’t just keep the money and send me the sign?” “That’s just the way my boss told me to do it” she said. So let me get this straight… according to them they did not receive the money from PayPal but they are going to refund me the money (that they did not receive) and retake the order using my credit card??? After spending THOUSANDS of dollars with these companies this is how they treat a loyal customer???? Why didn’t they just keep my money (that they say they didn’t have but refunded me back)and just send me the DAMN SIGN??? Instead they would rather lose a long time loyal customer??? Makes NO SENSE!!! DO YOURSELF A FAVOR… SHOP SOMEWHERE ELSE! CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS!!!