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FindLegalForms.com Reviews 2024
January 2, 2020
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With that said in this FindLegalForms review, buying your verified documents for your needs can be done through the website right now. There are personal and business forms awaiting those who are in need. The personal forms include documents for divorce, bankruptcy, deeds, family law, letters, wills and notices. For businesses, FindLegalForms.com can get rentals, employments, partnerships and limited liabilities here. Just remember that there will be a subscription offer provided at the end of every checkout. Make sure you choose the right answer so that you will not end up with something you are not aware of.
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See FindLegalForms Specials Now
The great thing about deciding on the advice this FindLegalForms review provides is that the website is a very convenient way for people to accomplish legal documents that they need. All of the forms that they provide are regularly updated and are accurate according to today’s standards made by lawyers. These forms are all valid and guaranteed for every state and can be downloaded by clients immediately. Their front page features a search box which will allow people to look for the kind of forms they require and then see if the website currently offers these.
- 60 Day Guarantee
- As Low as $4.99
- Attorney Prepared
- Valid in Your State
- Free eSignature
- Over 1.3 Million Satisfied Customers
There aren’t really any major problems when searching for a legal document at
FindLegalForms.com right now but when checking out, some clients have noticed that they ended up with a $4.99 subscription besides the purchase they have just made. This is because whenever you choose to check out a form, most customers will be offered a subscription to get secure online storage. Those that have not selected “no thanks” will end up signing up to this subscription. This can be tricky for people especially to those who are in a hurry and are not expecting additional services to pay when they are checking out.
- Immigration Forms not Available
- Only Electronic Forms
- No Package Options

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No customer support, tried contacting them three times to request a refund per their guarantee and nothing after three weeks.