World Market Reviews 2024

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6.6 Total Score

Overall, Cost Plus World Market is a great place to find all your décor, and unique product needs. Whether it’s for the holidays, refreshing your home, or finding décor for that first house, World Market has it all. They run a great blog with relevant articles and tips to help you when you prepare the next meal, or try to find that piece of décor to fill a space in a room or on the wall. They have the best selection of goods and products from around the world and they are always bringing in new products. At you can find several items for sale that are fair trade certified.

Is Legit & Safe?
Is Reliable?
6.5 Guarantee
8.5 Prices
5.5 Hidden Fees
8.5 Shipping Cost
5.5 Shipping Delivery
4.5 Help & Support
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PROS for World Market Reviews
World Market has been providing unique goods for over 50 years. Starting from its humble roots in San Francisco, they have grown into one of the top providers of extraordinary items found around the world. With over 259 stores nationwide and the vast array of products found on their website, you are bound to find a product to fall in love with. They are most known for their furniture, décor, & kitchen items. World Market provides low prices on superior, quality items from all over the world. They have a great return policy of 60 day money back guarantee. World Market is one of the most popular stores in their industry, and have been featured in several magazines and magazine articles this year. They also run their own blog with helpful décor tips, furniture ideas, and food recipes.

  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Best Selection of International Goods
  • Over 50 Years of Industry Experience
  • Discover Blog Created by World Market
  • Safe & Secure Checkout
  • Track All Orders

CONS for World Market Reviews
The only drawback to is their shipping fees. World Market charges shipping fees on all of their items regardless of price. The more expensive the item that is being shipped, the higher the shipping costs. There is also return shipping fees if you buy your order online. Fortunately there is a workaround. You can have items shipped to the store nearest to you and avoid all the shipping fees. This is by the far the best option, and you can be assured that your product will be available before you buy. World Market will occasionally offer free shipping throughout different times of the year.

  • Shipping Fees
  • Return Shipping Fees (If Purchased Online)

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